She could smell the salty tang of the sea.
"Tang" is "Gnat" spelt backwards.
the tang of lemons
Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent.
The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital.
The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five.
Hearing of Uncle Zhang's heart attack, Doctor Tang was extremely worried and rushed to his bedside immediately.
聽說張大爺心臟病犯了, 唐大夫心急如火立即趕去搶救.
The Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain in Sichuan Province of China, carved in the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A . D . - 907 A . D. ) , is 71 metres high , making it the largest statue of Buddha in the world.
中國四川的樂山大佛是世界上最大的佛像雕刻.它高達71米, 修建于唐代.
" The Classics on Tea " , written by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A . D . - 907 A . D . ) was the world's earliest treatise on tea leave production.
She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc.
她很喜歡中國古典文學(xué),諸如唐詩 、 宋詞等都涉獵過.
The Tang Dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi.
唐朝有很多大詩人, 像李白 、 杜甫、白居易等.
Miss Tang said, " Mr. Fang, you are too concerned with insignificant details.
唐小姐道: “ 方先生真會挑眼!
漢英文學(xué) - 圍城
" Am I good enough to put on airs?'said Miss Tang.
唐小姐道: “ 我們配有架子 么 ?
漢英文學(xué) - 圍城
There was a tang of excitement in the air.
Tieh can move in with the Tang family. It's quite safe there,'suggested Ke - ming .
爹可以到唐家去, 那兒很安全, ” 克明 提議說.
漢英文學(xué) - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)