Chuzhou's atomic energy too certain be able to again soar, have much resplendent aglitter tomorrow!
滁州市原子能所也一定能夠再次騰飛, 擁有更加輝煌燦爛的明天!
Reward: Welcome excellent person join us, Will together start mainland handwork brand's aglitter tomorrow.
回報: 歡迎優(yōu)秀者加入我們, 一起開創(chuàng)本土手工品牌的燦爛明天.
"bugle beads all aglitter"
"glinting eyes"
"glinting water"
"his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent"
"shop window full of glittering Christmas trees"
"glittery costume jewelry"
"scintillant mica"
"the scintillating stars"
"a dress with sparkly sequins"
"`glistering' is an archaic term"